GreenLife Wellness
Our outstanding team is here to help you reach your healthcare goals. Contact us today.
Chiropractor Greenville SC
When looking for a chiropractor in Greenville, you want an experienced chiropractor who has provided effective results. Our careful techniques at GreenLife Wellness in Greenville, SC will give you the best chance at improving your condition and health.

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GreenLife Wellness - Our Method
At GreenLife Wellness we practice The Gonstead System of Chiropractic. This system of chiropractic uses in-depth analysis of the patient’s structure and symptoms to identify the specific vertebra causing the trouble.
These vertebrae are then adjusted with a precise angle and force creating a unique adjustment for each individual.
Pain and malfunction throughout the body can often be attributed to misalignments in the spine. When these misalignments affect the information flow and function of a nerve this is called a subluxation.
Over time these subluxations diminish the health of the affected nerve and the muscles and functions associated with that nerve. You or I might experience this process as stiff and tight muscles, ‘knots’, fatigue, tingling, burning sensations or even loss of strength or balance.
These things may seem minor at first but often get worse over time. These misalignments are causing joints and cartilage to deteriorate more quickly and increasing the possibility of bulging/herniated discs, bone spurs, arthritis and even spinal fusion.
Chiropractic in Greenville addresses all facets of this problem. By removing the stress and pressure from the nerve we can slow and even stop the accelerated deterioration. Once the nerve has been addressed the symptoms of pain, discomfort and malfunction are greatly reduced.